Saturday, July 18, 2009


I am going to ask you a few questions, give you my answers to those questions, and ask you to compare my answers to yours. I'm not asking that you post your responses, but just take the time to compare our responses and decide why the differences exist, if any. Deal? Okie dokie...1st question: How do we decide what's right and what's wrong? 2nd question: Is a right choice still considered right if it hurts someones feelings or causes friction in a relationship? As humans, we are capable of weighing choices, the pros vs. cons, the what ifs and what do we decide what's right and what's wrong? There are things that are common sense issues and very easily distinguishable. For instance, you see an elderly woman drop her wallet. The right thing to do is to pick it up and return it to her, the wrong thing to do is to pick it up and keep it. You see a couple fighting; the man is hitting the woman and the woman is bloody and crying. She's not saying "help me" but it's very obvious that she's in distress. The right thing to do is call the boys in blue (911) and the wrong thing to do is stand there and watch as if it were a boxing match in Vegas. Some folks may say that the way we're raised helps us decide between right and wrong. This can't be the case for everyone; I'm sure serial killers aren't raised to be killers, thieves aren't raised to be thieves, and rapists aren't raised to be rapists. I believe the governing factors behind choosing right and wrong is a coordinated process between the mind and the heart. Think about it for a minute, what really drives you to choose between right and it the need or want for something? From a logical standpoint, the "need" requires you to effectively identify all pros and cons in your decision which would then deliver the "right" choice; a need is a requirement. The "want" for something requires that you do the complete opposite. Wanting something is completely different, it's a desire to have something. We decide by using our minds and our heart. A right choice can still be considered a right choice if it hurts someones feelings. If the intent of the decision was to hurt someones feelings then I wouldn't classify that as a right choice. I watched 'Confessions of a Shopoholic' yesterday. It was a good movie with a hidden meaning. The main character was obsessed with maintaining a fashionable appearance because as a young girl, her parents never bought her nice clothes and shoes; they bought her affordable clothes and shoes. She spent money that she didn't have in order to look good and look nothing like the girl her parents raised. She spent so much money shopping that it became an addiction. She made many wrong choices; she didn't need to shop, she wanted to shop. Choosing right and wrong is a lot like shopping. We're faced with choices everyday & making a wrong choice today can greatly impact what happens tomorrow. Make sure you decide well because one size does not fit all. Seriously take time to decide between right and wrong in every choice that you're given. As I said earlier, you are the one that will suffer any negative consequences for your decisions and you never know what decisions will have no refunds, no returns, no exchanges.

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